Personal Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement

From time to time, HPLH job site employees may be requested to travel for an errand that is necessary for a job site. In addition to receiving hourly compensation, an employee who travels in their own vehicle for a job site errand qualifies for Mileage Reimbursement at a rate of 58 cents per mile (as of 2019).

To receive Mileage Reimbursement, an employee must use the MileIQ app and properly report their miles to the Financial Manager, per the following guidelines:

  1. Each logged drive must include the correct start and end time, date and total time performed for each drive.

  2. Each departure and arrival location logged must be confirmed address or GPS location, whether in the form of client or vendor name, physical address, cross street address, or coordinates of the location.

  3. Each drive log must include a memo with the following information:

    • The name of the client or job site address for which the errand was made

    • The reason for the errand (i.e. “pick up extra pipe fittings”, “get fuel for machines”, or “returning rental equipment”)

  4. If the MileIQ app is unavailable, employees may use alternative methods with the approval of their supervisor.

  5. Drive logs should be submitted at the end of the calendar month to