Tips to Prevent Mold With a Basement Foundation in Boulder

Tips to Prevent Mold With a Basement Foundation in Boulder

Tips to Prevent Mold With a Basement Foundation

If you have a basement foundation, you know that it is not uncommon for moisture to get in and cause problems. It is important that you know how to control the mold because it can quickly grow out of control. The good news is that with the right efforts, you can keep your basement free from mold.

Use a Dehumidifier

Humidity and moisture are the two primary factors that drive the growth of mold. Darkness is a close third and basements are naturally darker than other areas of the home. Because of this, you want to control the environment as much as possible and a dehumidifier makes this possible.

Keep an Eye on Humidity Levels

You want to keep an eye on how much humidity is in the basement environment. You can measure humidity with a handy tool referred to as a hygrometer. You want to keep levels under 40 percent. Any number above 45 percent is considered to be too high and ideal for mold growth.

Do Not Put Plants in Your Basement

Indoor plants can be great in other areas of your home, but in the basement, they operate as a food source for mildew and mold. You want to make sure that all plants are in an area that is airy and sunny. Any cultivation in the basement will not have the proper conditions.

Reduce Basement Clutter

When you have a lot of clutter in the basement, this interrupts the flow of air and makes ventilation poor. You want to ensure air is able to flow freely so that it does not become too humid and stale. You also want to be sure about the items you keep down there since some, such as books and clothing, act as food for mold.

Do Not Store Wood in the Basement

Wood is a great place for mold to grow because it can hold onto moisture for a long period of time. If you have a fireplace, you want to keep the wood outside of your home until you are ready to use it. It is best to put it in a location that is airy and open. A covered area makes it easier for mold to grow.

Ensure Proper Ventilation

If there is a lot of humid and stale air in the basement, this can create the perfect storm for mold growth. You want to ensure that fresh air is able to move in and out. If you have windows in the basement that you can open, you should do this as often as possible. Just be mindful when it is raining or snowing since this can allow moisture in. You might also consider an exhaust fan for constant circulation.

Mold can cause major health issues, so it is important that you keep it under control. These methods will help you to prevent it. However, if it is already present, you might need help from a professional to get it removed.