Get the Facts About House Leveling in Boulder

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Get the Facts About House Leveling in Boulder

A level home is critical to make sure it maintains its structural integrity. This also keeps your furniture, appliances and other items in place. It is important to know the facts about leveling to ensure you are taking care of your investment.

What is House Leveling?

When a house is level, the foundation is straight across. It is not sagging and it carries the same depth in all areas. When a home is not level, this must be corrected quickly before bigger issues present themselves. The professional will usually determine the highest elevation of the foundation and ensure that all areas that are lower are brought up to this level. This could involve several different methods and tools, such as piers, steel shims and hydraulic jacking. The goal is to get it back to its original position, or as least as close to this position as possible. Since professional equipment and methods are needed, a professional should perform the work.

Why Might a Foundation Become Unlevel?

The ground beneath your foundation is usually to blame for this issue. Over the years, it can start to shift and your home’s foundation is going to shift with it. All foundation types have the potential to shift and become unlevel. When it comes to pier foundations specifically, they usually sink when the soil starts to shift. When it sinks it just one area, this can eventually result in the house becoming unlevel. If different areas sink, the unlevel areas can differ throughout your home.

There is a major risk to your foundation when your home is not level. Remember that your home’s foundation is responsible for supporting the entirety of the rest of your home. If the ground below it is not offering the right level of support, your foundation could be in trouble. Foundation issues can quickly become worse and the worse they are, the more they cost.

What Are the Signs of a House That is Not Level?

When a house is not level, even if you cannot see it with the naked eye, there are usually other signs that are evident. You want to look out for the following signs and if you notice them, have a professional come out and inspect your foundation as soon as possible:

·         Sloping floors

·         Sticking windows

·         Cracked drywall

·         Sticking doors

·         Hairline cracks in doorways, floors and tile

These issues can happen for other reasons, such as your foundation sinking. However, no matter the cause, it is important that you figure out what it is. This ensures that the issue can be properly repaired before it is allowed to get worse and become even more costly.

Now you have the important information pertaining to house leveling that you need to know. If you need to have an inspection performed or you need leveling work done, it is imperative that you are working with a reputable contractor. This will ensure that the inspection or work is done right to keep your home in excellent condition.