Creating a Garden in Boulder and Jefferson County

Steps for Creating a Garden

Creating a garden can be exciting and it is a great way to utilize free time during the warmer months. Having the right steps will make creating your garden a lot easier. You simply follow the steps and you will have a garden started. From there, you simply utilize the proper care and maintenance and you can watch your garden grow.  We can do this for you. Call Jesse . . . 24/7 . . . at 575-313-4756

Mark the Area for Your Garden

You want to know where you are going to place your garden in Boulder and Jefferson County. You can initially mark it off with string so that you can easily change it if necessary. Make sure that the soil in the area is good so that it will allow your plants to grow well. You can do soil testing with kits from a hardware store, so it is a relatively simple process. It is a good idea to make your area a little larger than you actually need so there is space to move around when working on your garden.

Remove the Grass

If there is grass where your garden will go, you want to dig it up completely. A sod cutter or a spade tool will usually get the job done. Make sure that you remove it completely so that you only see the underlying soil. It is a good idea to mow this area as low as you can before removing it. It will speed up the process and make it easier to fully remove the grass from your garden space.

Start Digging the Area

You want to make sure that you are left with only soil. This means that all roots, rocks and other debris have to be fully removed from the area. You can use a shovel to turn the soil and dig a little deep. If you notice that the soil could use some love while you are doing this, you should add compost or another type of organic matter.

Edge the Space Well

When you edge properly, this helps to keep many pests out of your garden so that they cannot cause harm to it. You want to go about eight inches deep and make sure that the trench surrounds your entire garden. You might also choose to take it a step further and add an edging material around your garden’s entire perimeter.

Make Sure to Place Your Plants Properly

This is critical and the right space will vary depending on what you are planting. Some plants only require a few inches between them while other might require 12 inches or more. You can usually find this information on the stake card that comes with the plants that you choose. Before planting your plants, place them where you will plant them. This allows you to properly measure and make sure that you have everything where you want and need it to be.

Plant the Plants

Now that you have everything planned and spaced properly, it is time to get the plants into the ground. How deep you need to go will vary, depending on what you are planting. This information is also usually on the stake cards that come with the plant. If your plant has roots, you want to loosen them a little before you place the plant into the ground. This will help the roots to establish themselves.

Place Some Mulch

Mulch is very beneficial for gardens because it helps to stop weeds and it keep the soil hydrated, even when there is a drought. Ideally, you want to have about two inches of mulch on top of the soil to help with this. Just make sure to not cover your plants.

Water Your Garden

After you get everything planted, you want to soak your garden very well. It is a good idea to water some before you put the mulch down, then water the mulch and then place it. This ensures the best moisture for your soil.

Now you have the steps you need to take to create a garden. Just go in order and you will find that creating a garden is a relatively simple process. Once it is up and running, just keep an eye on it so that what you plant grows well.